Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy 1st birthday Annabel

Last Saturday we celebrated Annabel's first birthday.
Here she is just before her party modeling one of the two special shirts made by Aunt Marci. (Thanks Marci!)
Hanging out with Grandpa
Playing in the back yard.
With Aunt Marci

Opening presents ... with some help.
Maddie helping(?) Annabel with her new toy.
Marci and Ben. Thanks Ben for taking pics and videos.
Courtney, Jason and Bryson
Daddy putting the new giraffe riding toy together
A monkey cake for my little monkey
Daddy giving Annabel the first piece
The mess that followed

So, they had told me they were going to use white icing and do the pink spray on it. It turned out to be solid pink icing. Wow!
The big kids had fun playing in the back yard.

Bryson refused to share even one of his "ya ya's" with me. He loves to tease.

Monday, May 9, 2011


This Easter we had lots of fun celebrating the resurection of Christ.
We started our Easter festivities with an egg hunt at my work, complete with a visit from the Easter Bunny.
The girls were slightly more cooperative when I tried to take a picture with the inflatable bunny.

We got to go to Oklahoma for the first time in a very long time. It was great to see lots of family and friends. We went to Jared's grandma's house on Saturday.

We spent Sunday at my parents house. Mom, Dad and the the girls ready for church.

Marci, Ben and Maddie dying eggs.

Annabel unpacking an Easter basket
Mom and Annabel

Playing in the back yard

Us with the girls before church - maybe one day we will get a good pic of all of us at the same time. Until then, this is the best we have.

Me and the girls with my dad's mom (Mimi or GG Mimi to the girls)

The Easter Bunny even made an appearance at my parents house. The son of one of my mom's friends dressed up and was so sweet to come by and let my girls and all of my little cousins see him.

Me and the girls with my mom's parents.

It was a great Easter.
(If you think this is a lot of pics, just wait for the next one -- Annabel's first b-day)