Sunday, April 15, 2012


On Thursday morning Madison had an egg hunt at school.  Then that afternoon, the girls came to my work for an Easter egg hunt.

The girls with all of their goodies.  Also, notice the lovely rain boot/dress combo.  Annabel is very determined about what she will be wearing everyday.  And whatever she finally agrees to is typically paired with rain boots.  Just before this egg hunt, she also decided that diapers were completely unnecessary.  She is NOT ready to potty train, but we did manage a miracle without any accidents for about an hour and a half this day.

Maddie and the Easter Bunny.

Here are a few of our attempts at pictures on Easter day.  

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

bluebonnet pictures

Our full set of bluebonnet pics!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Trip to Virginia

Last Thursday, we took a trip to see Jared's family in Williamsburg.  We were excited to get to spend some time with them.  The girls traveled really well, and then we had a busy, fun-filled 4 days.  On Friday, we ate lunch at a cute little restaurant called the Old Chickahomany House, spent some time shopping, and made cake pops for Levi's birthday party.

Riding with Nana.

We made a stop at Bass Pro Shop.  They loved the stick horses.

On Saturday, we went to the birthday party (pics in the post below).  Then on Sunday, we went to church with Grandpa Cris and Nana.  The rest of the day, we rested, played at the park, and ate ice cream.  Then on Monday, we went to the aquarium at Virginia Beach.

Maddie and Grandpa Cris waiting a for a sting ray to come up so that they could touch it.

We even went to the beach.  It was really windy and cold, so we went out on the sand just long enough to snap one picture to prove that we were there.

It was a great trip.

Levi's first birthday

While we were in Virginia this past weekend, we got to celebrate our nephew Levi's first birthday.

The night before the party, we made cake pops.  We had never made these before, but they turned out pretty good for a first try.

The party was on Saturday in a beautiful park.  Many of the trees (all over this area of Virginia) were covered with this purple wisteria.

There was also a beautiful lake

and a playground

Christopher was a good sport playing with the girls on the playground. Actually, we all had fun playing.

My climbers

The grilling team: Rachel (Jared's sister), her husband Jared, Grandpa Cris, and Jared.

Birthday cake

Nana with the girls

Eating delicious hamburgers and hot dogs.

Because it was so close to Easter, we even got to have an Easter Egg hunt.

All of the kids with their baskets after the hunt.

Singing Happy Birthday to Levi

Rachel and Levi opening his gifts

Madison made a friend, and they had a great time playing with all of the caterpillars at the park.  That night when I was putting her to bed, Maddie asked "Where do you think all of those crawltapillers came from?"

Happy Birthday Levi!  So glad we got to celebrate with you.