Monday, May 6, 2013

Celebrating Annabel's third birthday

It is not even her birthday yet, but we have already celebrated twice.

Instead of a big party, Annabel got to go to Sea World for her birthday.

We also got to stay with the Ruples and celebrate with them.  Courtney even made cupcakes for Annabel.  Thank you!

Almost 3

She got a bat and wiffle balls, so we all got to play in the back yard.

This weekend, we went to Oklahoma for a wedding.  We also got to celebrate Annabel's birthday with my family.  Annabel chose a Sesame Street theme (mostly Elmo).


I am finally getting around to posting about Easter. We had a full weekend of activities.

On the Thursday before Easter, the girls had Easter parties at their schools and then came to my work for an egg hunt.

My parents came for the weekend to celebrate Easter with us.  We took some pictures in the bluebonnets.

We spent some time in research park.

Played with grandparents

We dyed eggs with shaving cream and food coloring.

On Sunday morning, we went to the Easter service in the park, followed by an egg hunt.

Then we had an amazing Easter lunch