Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas to a 3 year old

This is the first year that Madison has really gotten excited about Christmas coming and is asking lots of questions about it.

Last week we saw Santa in the mall and she wanted to get a picture with him. My work has a kids Christmas party that Santa comes to, so I told her we would do it then. This morning on the way to school, Madison asked again if she was going to get to take a picture with Santa at my work. I said "yes, but do you remember the real reason we celebrate Christmas?"

She was silent for a little while, so I reminded her that it is Jesus' birthday. Her eyes lit up. "Will we sing Happy Birthday to Him?!?!"

Me: "Yes, we can sing Happy Birthday to Him. I think that would be a good idea"

Maddie: "Will He be there?"

Me: "Well, He will probably listen and watch us from Heaven" and then after a little thought "but He could decide to come that day".

It is going to be so much fun to celebrate this Christmas season.

1 comment:

  1. I love the thoughts behind our 3 year olds. That child like faith I wish I had more of. What a great time to refresh our memory and celebrate the Christ in Christmas! Thanks for sharing.
