Monday, February 28, 2011

Fun with grandparents

My parents got to visit this weekend, and we had a great time. Madison got a new movie and she and Grammy watched it on the computer.

Grandpa and Annabel

When we went to Kohls, Annabel did a little shopping. She swiped some stacking cups off of a shelf, and Grandpa and Grammy decided to get them for her. She has been having a blast with them.

Grandpa and the girls first thing in the morning.

We also went to the carnival. This was Madison's first time, and I wasn't sure if she would even ride any rides, but she had a great time. Pictures to come.

This last one was actually before my parents got here. I thought it would be fun to get a picture of the girls because they had on (sort of) matching outfits. Somehow, I will have them both looking at me and by the time I snap the picture, this is what I get.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just playing

School spirit week

This week was school spirit week at Madison's school so she was supposed to dress up each day. Tuesday was hat day (no pics). Wednesday was crazy hair day:

and Thursday was bling day - to us that just meant jewelry and dress up clothes.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Annabel is 9 months!

Annabel turned 9 months old on the 8th of February. She had her 9 month check up today and is doing very well.

  • She is 18 lbs 2 oz and is 28.25 inches long.
  • She loves eating lots of foods: crackers, waffles, almost any fruit or vegetable baby food, avacado, banana, cheerios ...
  • She is crawling very quickly
  • She pulls up on everything and has even been brave enough to let go and stand on her own for a few seconds. (I kind of hope she will hold off on walking just a little longer ... she is into everything as it is.)
  • She just recently started babbling: babababa, dadadada, mamamama, etc. I don't think she really knows what any of it means yet.
  • She loves harrassing her sister and the dogs.

A fairly typical day for Annabel. I turned my back for about two seconds and found out just how fast she can clean out a drawer:

So proud of her work:

All my jammies on the floor ... check. On to my next project.

Annabel also had a follow-up appointment with the neurosurgeon who performed her surgery this week. He is very pleased with her progress. Her head is now shaped normally. She is finished wearing a helmet, and she doesn't have to go back for a whole year. Praise God!!!
Look at her beautiful head. It used to be narrow at the back. You can see how much wider the back is than the front now. You also have to actually look to see the scar that runs from one ear to the other.

We pray that her head will continue to grow in this manner so that she will not face another surgery.

Happy early Valentine's Day.

Madison has really been enjoying preschool this year. It is fun for me because we hadn't really celebrated certain holidays like Valentine's day when she was younger. Yesterday was her party at school, so we bought Valentines cards and candy to take to her friends. She wanted to make sure that she was wearing her heart shirt and pink pants for the occasion.


We actually got snow in College Station last week. With the way snow comes here, you better get out in it early the morning it arrives because by noon, it is probably gone. We did really enjoy the little bit we got though.

Madison couldn't wait to get out there in it and play.

Once I convinced her to put her coat on (I swear the girl can't feel cold), she had a blast running around in the snow with the dogs.

I would have loved to have some pictures of Annabel in the snow too, but she had an ear infection and was in no mood to be bundled up and stuck out in the snow. The girls have had a rough go of it the last two weeks. The have both had colds which is expected this time of year, but Madison has had pink eye, a rash, and then a fever. Annabel ended up with an ear infection and an eye infection. I think we are on the mend now ... at least I am keeping my fingers crossed.