Friday, February 11, 2011


We actually got snow in College Station last week. With the way snow comes here, you better get out in it early the morning it arrives because by noon, it is probably gone. We did really enjoy the little bit we got though.

Madison couldn't wait to get out there in it and play.

Once I convinced her to put her coat on (I swear the girl can't feel cold), she had a blast running around in the snow with the dogs.

I would have loved to have some pictures of Annabel in the snow too, but she had an ear infection and was in no mood to be bundled up and stuck out in the snow. The girls have had a rough go of it the last two weeks. The have both had colds which is expected this time of year, but Madison has had pink eye, a rash, and then a fever. Annabel ended up with an ear infection and an eye infection. I think we are on the mend now ... at least I am keeping my fingers crossed.

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