Sunday, November 11, 2012


The girls and I have had fun starting to celebrate Thanksgiving.  We made a couple of crafts.  We started with this cute turkey we found at Target.  The girls said they are thankful for our puppies, our family, God, our house, and their schools.

Then today, we made this fun thankful tree.  We collected a bunch of acorns from our back yard.  Then we took a walk and picked out many sticks.  Each leaf has a Bible verse that talks about being thankful to God.

The leaves are free printables from Ann Voskamp's website if anyone is interested

Just one of the many things we are thankful for: So many amazing friends.  

Last weekend we got a chance to go visit the Ruples.  There was a park near them with a train.  The kids has a blast riding it.

1 comment:

  1. We made a thankful tree too! Love it. Yours with the acorns and free printables looks great. So thankful you got to go see friends, very fun.
