Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

We got to spend Christmas at our house this year.  My parents and Ben and Marci came on Christmas eve. We spent some time playing and visiting.  

Annabel and Grandpa

Annabel was proud that she was wearing her sister's boots.

Grammy and Grandpa having a tea party with the girls.

Later we went to the Christmas Eve service at church.  Once we got back home and the girls were in bed, it was time to assemble presents.  Madison got a princess castle and Annabel got a kitchen.  Marci and Ben put the castle together for us.  Thanks!

The girls woke everyone up early for Christmas morning (5:45, that's right, before the coffee was even started).  It was worth it though.  They were so excited. Below are quite a few pics from morning.

After all the gifts were opened, for breakfast we had a tea ring that mom, Marci and I made the night before.

Jared had also made a french silk pie that we ate after lunch.

For some reason, these pictures ended up at the bottom of the post, but these are from the Christmas Eve service.  My friend Courtney brought her camera and got some good pics.  First, our girls with their friends, Bryson, Reagan and Sam.

Then a couple attempts at a family photo

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