Well this is my sixth post this evening, but probably the first that will be read since it will end up on top. In the posts below, there are a lot of pictures and details of all of the Christmas fun that our family has had this year. We have enjoyed getting to celebrate our Savior's birth this year. But the truth is that this December has been harder. Most of my thinking on Christmas has been done in a different light.
This December, we have seen close, sweet friends going through very difficult times. We have prayed hard for them in these unimaginable situations, and yet God answered no to many of the requests we made of Him. Although these aren't my own personal trials, my heart aches deeply for my friends. Through this, I have been seeing Christmas in a new way. Jesus, the baby we celebrate at Christmas, came to this world that was filled with trials. He came from Heaven, from His Father's side. He endured many terrible situations while he was here. He understands how it feels when God answer's no to prayers. God answered no to one of his own Son's prayers too. The prayer that he may not have to go to the cross to die for my sins. God had a plan for our salvation. And he as a plan now too. Although I will never understand the reason my friends are experiencing such pain, I know that I have an unchanging God who has a plan and a Savior who understands what life on earth is like and who came here so that we have hope. Hope for spending eternity with Him in Heaven, in a place with no pain and sorrow and suffering.
So this Christmas, I hope that everyone has enjoyed celebrating the birth of baby Jesus, and remembering the stories of the donkey ride to Bethlehem, the baby in the manger, the angels appearing to the shepherds, and the wise men following the star. I hope that you will also remember that this is the Savior who understands trials on earth and provides hope for eternity.
Finally, even if you don't know any or all of our friends who are struggling, please say a prayer for them. We love them dearly and we know the power of prayer to comfort in these times.
Well said, Kristin. Love you.