Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas time is here

On Friday, we went to Christmas at the Creek.  We didn't stay very long, but still had some fun.  

Santa Annabel

Madison the elf

Eating cookies and drinking hot chocolate

Madison with the Christmas moose and wolf

We tried to get Annabel in this picture too, but she was terrified once she got up close to these animals and ran away faster than we have ever seen her run.

Tonight, we finally got some of our Christmas decorations out.  Madison has a small Christmas tree in her room.

Our bigger Christmas tree in the living room

Tonight, we also moved the box springs for Annabel's new bed out of the guest room and under the mattress that had been on the floor in her room.  Here she is sleeping in her big girl bed.  She is doing really well at night, but it is a little bit more work to actually get her to sleep.

Because we moved the bed out of the guest bedroom, we are turning it into a play room. It is still a work in progress, but the girls are already loving it.

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